Troubleshooting integration problems



How to avoid service disruptions or integration downtime

  1. The server clock should always be synchronized. If the time is more than 5 minutes out of sync, Ibistic Integration will not run.
  2. Please do not change folder paths without notifying Ibistic Support beforehand. When changing folder, Ibistic needs to update internal settings.
  3. Do not remove the user running the integration.
  4. Please do not migrate Ibistic IntFX to a new server without notifying Ibistic Support beforehand. For server migration, please read this guide.
  5. Do not change read / write folder permissions of the user running the integration.
  6. Do not change or move integration certificate.
  7. Do not delete files in the integration folder.
  8. Make sure the server has sufficient resources (for example RAM/CPU/Diskspace), for the Ibistic integration Framework (IntFX) to run.
  9. Avoid making changes to the structure of the masterdata file, which is not according to agreed standards. Typical situations involves not exporting mandatory data such as Suppliers or GL accounts, or sending invalid CSV file (lines with unended quotes, or extra semicolon).
  10. Do not upgrade to a new version of an ERP system, before checking if there are any changes to the format structure on master data export or invoice import. Please ask Ibistic Support if new format is supported before performing the upgrade.


Note: Any of the above may likely result in integration stop working. Changes to the setup initiated by customer, which requires interaction of Ibistic or assistance of integration specialist by remote session on the server may be billable time. Please ask Ibistic Support or Ibistic Integration department beforehand if in doubt, prior to making changes on the Integration Server which may affect the integration client.



If there are already problems with the integration

  • If there are problems with the integration, we recommend checking the execution log and the error logs. Please relay this information to Ibistic (with a copy of the logs) when creating a ticket at support, for quicker resolution and troubleshooting.
  • If assistance is required from Ibistic, please have a server administrator available (support needs contact information, phone and email) with a teamviewer session (we will need ID and PW to connect). Teamviewer window should not be minimized during the remote session, otherwise the session will be blocked.
  • If you have any doubts or questions, please contact Ibistic Support
