When you open up an invoice in “Invoices for Processing” the screen you see divided into three parts
- Invoice header
- Invoice Image
- Coding line(s)
In this article we will describe the tabs and functions of the three parts and what you can use them for:
The Invoice Header
Here you will find four tabs:
- Overview
- Accounting Note
- Image
- E-invoice
- Overview
This overview is the first thing you see when you open an invoice in “Invoices for processing” and at the upper left is an overview showing all the relevant invoice information such as supplier ID, document type, gross amount, due date, invoice number, currency etc. In short, this is where you can most easily find the relevant invoice information.
- Accounting note
An accounting note is an attachment that users can upload to the invoice themselves (separate from the attached invoice image), and can consist of most formats, such as Word, Excel and other types of image files than PDF and TIFF. Clicking on this tab will enable you to see which files have been attached to the invoice, and you will be able to delete or download existing attachments as well as attach other files to the invoice.
How to attach a file to the invoice:
- Click on the tab “Accounting notes”
- Click on “Add”.
- Browse and select the file you want to attach by clicking on “Bla gjennom…”
- Click on “Add”.
After performing these steps, you will be able to see the name of the file and also a confirmation that the file has been successfully uploaded. Next to the file name a symbol will appear indicating that you can now download the file. It should look something like this:
- Image
This tab shows an image of the invoice that is either a PDF- or a TIFF-file, provided that such an image is attached to the invoice. However, it may purely be a representation of an electronic invoice (EHF/EAN/GLN). For a description of the tabs on the image please consult the section (The invoice image).
- E-invoice
This tab enables you to download the original invoice as an XML-file – “Download original document”. This XML-file is the basis for the information found in the invoice header.
The invoice image:
The invoice image window also has a few tabs with the following functions:
- Image: When you click on the Image-tab - which is the default view - you can view the PDF-or TIF-file that may be attached to the invoice. In this window you can also perform simple image-functions such as Zoom in and out, rotate the image, scroll through the pages or download the file. This depends on if it is a PDF- or TIFF-file, as well as on which Image viewing programs are installed (Alternatiff, PDF Reader etc.)
- E-invoice: When you choose the E-invoice-tab you will be able to see an image-representation of the invoice based on the XML-file, that every invoice is converted to, in order for us to use it in Ibistic. So this view contains all the information included in the XML-file, which is the same information as is shown in the Invoice Header. Such as Supplier ID, Document type, Gross amount, due date etc.
Coding lines
Coding lines are the lines where you do your coding, and is what is transferred to the accounting system. On the coding lines themselves you see three icons that you should know about:
- Info
- Advanced split
- Code
Here is a description of the three different choices:
- Info
While in Info-view. There are three tabs to choose from:
- History
- Invoice Processor
- Comments
The “History” tab shows the history of the invoice until now. Such as when it was created in the system (either manually or by scanning), sent for acceptance or approval etc. You can also see the name of the users who have performed the invoice actions.
The “Comments”-tab shows any comments added to the coding line plus the creator of the comment.
2.Advanced split
When you click on “Advanced split”, you can split the coding line into several new coding lines. It can be done manually, as well as automatically from an e-invoice.
One of the advantages of advanced split is that you’re able to see your split coding lines before saving. No split is final before you save the split.
How to split a coding line:
- Set the number of coding lines into which you wish to split the selected coding line.
- Choose whether you want the amount to be split equally or split using percentages that you set here. If you choose to specify the percentages, then type them into the percentage fields here.
- Click on “Split”.
- When you’re satisfied with the result, click “Save”.
N.B! If the percentages that you specify don’t add up to 100, then a balance coding line with the remaining amount will automatically be created.
Tip: Save time by coding a line before you split it. The new lines will have the same coding as the line from which they are split.
Split using an e-invoice
Under the Advanced Split-view you also have access to the function “Split from e-invoice”. This function makes the splitting of e-invoices into coding lines much simpler. Provided that the file that we have received from the supplier is a valid format and also correctly formatted, the invoice’s item lines will be split into coding lines with the correct amounts.
If an invoice contains several coding lines, and you wish to remove some of them, this is typically done by merging coding lines. You simply select the coding lines you want to merge, and click on “Merge” and the lines will be merged. Please note that the resulting coding line will have lost its coding so you consequently will have to code it again.
Under the “Code” view you will find the following three icons:
- Save
- Cancel
- Clear coding
The coding line menu contains more functions:
- Distribution
This function enables you to send coding line to other users for approval, for instance. Please note that you are able to send separate coding lines to different users.
- Click on “Distribution”
- Select “Type of acceptor”, “Office” and "User".
- You can write a comment here.
- Click “Send” and the invoice will now be distributed to the specified user.
- Revoke
This function makes it possible for you to revoke or withdraw coding lines that have been distributed for approval or acceptance. You simply select the coding line that you would like to revoke and then click “Revoke”. The selected coding line will then return to the accounting section to be distributed once again by an accounting user.
Using “Multi-coding” you can define the same coding values on several coding lines simultaneously.
- Select the lines that you want to code.
- Click on “Multi-coding”.
- Enter appropriate values in the coding fields.
- Click on “Save”.
When you click on “Save” the defined coding values will be applied to the selected coding lines.
If the coding is valid it will get the status “Completed”
NB: When coding in this view, all the dimension fields and values will be shown regardless of coding rules. Should you be unsure of whether a coding is done correctly in accordance with the coding rules, you can select the coding lines you wish to check and then click “Validate”. The system will then inform you if you have coded correctly. Furthermore, if any incorrect coding has been used a red warning symbol containing information as to why the coding line cannot be validated, will appear next to the coding line.
N.B! This function is only available for Enterprise customers in Ibistic).
4.Send Reminder
If a coding line has been sent for processing to say an Approver or Acceptor a while ago, but it still has not been approved or accepted, you have the option of sending the approver or acceptor a reminder by e-mail. That way he will be made aware that he has a coding line awaiting processing. You send the reminder by selecting the coding line and then clicking “Send Reminder”
You can merge two or more coding lines into one coding line using this function.
N.B!: When merging coding lines, the history and coding of the coding lines will be deleted and the merged coding line will have the status of “New”. The document text on the merged coding line will read Merged and the line will have no coding and as a result will have to be distributed again. Which means that if a user for instance has approved the coding lines earlier, this approval will disappear, and the coding lines will once again need to be sent for approval.
You merge coding lines by selecting the coding lines and clicking “Merge”.
6. Undo Split
If you wish to undo a split of a coding line, you can use the function “Undo Split”.
You simply select one of the coding line that have been split, and click “Undo Split”. This will reverse the split, and you will once again have a single coding line with the original amount. As soon as you click “Save”, the split will be undone.
7.Document text
This function enables you to add a description to the coding ling. You can edit or delete this description later if need be.
Using this function, you can add a comment to a coding line. Please note that you will not be able to delete the comment. After it’s been created and saved a comment will remain on the coding line.