Tabs on invoice detail level in Invoice Archive


Tabs on invoice detail level

When opening an invoice in the invoice archive you will see the following screen:


In this view you have several tabs to choose from:

  1. Overview
  2. Accounting note
  3. Print
  4. E-invoice

(The focus of this article will be on the tabs and functions that are the most commonly used. )


1. Overview

This is an overview of the invoice information, showing:


The Invoice Header

This is a collection of all the relevant invoice information. This information can include supplier ID, document type, gross amount, due date, invoice number, currency and so on. In short, this is where most of the relevant information is most easily available.



The Invoice Image:

The Invoice Image window shows an image of the invoice -which can be a PDF- or Tiff-file -  provided that an image is attached to the invoice. But it can also be a representation of an electronic invoice (EHF/EAN/GLN). It also has a few functions that will be described below.

You can choose to view the image or the E-invoice by clicking on the corresponding tabs:



  • Image: When you click the image tab - which is the default view - you’re able to see the PDF- or Tiff-file that may be included with the invoice. In this view you can perform simple image functions such as Zoom in, Zoom out, rotate the image, scroll through the pages or download the file. When clicking on Download, you’re able to download the PDF- or Tiff-image of the Invoice.
  • E-invoice: When you choose the E-invoice-tab you will be able to see an image-representation of the invoice based on the XML-file, that every invoice is converted to, in order for us to use it in Ibistic.




So this view contains all the information included in the XML-file, which is the same information as is shown in the Invoice Header. Such as Supplier ID, Document type, Gross amount, due date etc.

In the E-invoice tab view the following functions are accessible:


Open in new window”: Clicking this opens the e-invoice in a new window.

More info”: Clicking this opens up more invoice information below on the e-invoice.

“Print”: Clicking this opens a print window via which you can print out the e-invoice.

“Download original document”: Clicking this allows you to download the XML-file.  


Coding lines

Here you can view what has happened to this invoice until now by clicking on Info.


While in Info-view. There are three tabs to choose from:

  • History
  • Invoice Processor
  • Comments



The History tab shows the history of the invoice until now. Like for instance when it has been created or sent for approval. You can also see the name of the user who has performed the action.



The Comments-tab shows any comments added to the coding line plus the creator of the comment.




2. Accounting Note

This tab is where you can see the files that have been added to the invoice. And here you are also able to add new files to the invoice.

How to add Accounting notes to an invoice:

  1. Click on the tab “Accounting note”
  2. Click on “Add”.
  3. Browse and select your file by clicking on “Bla gjennom…”
  4. Click “Add.”



When you have completed the steps above you will be able to see the file name and you will also be able to download the file. It should look like this:




So by using the Accounting note-tab, you have an overview of Accounting notes, plus you can add more. Please note that accounting notes do not have to be PDF- or Tiff-files, but can be almost any kind of file. You are also able to download and see the accounting note here.

N.B. If you want to delete an accounting note please note, that it can’t be done from here. You will have to go to “Invoices in process” find the invoice, click on it, go to the “Accounting Note”-tab and there you are able to select the Accounting note you want to delete and then delete it.
