


If a user is absent, you can set up another user to take over the absent user’s functions in Ibistic.

A user that temporarily takes over the functions of another is known as a “Deputy”.

The deputy will automatically inherit the settings of the absent user so that he/she may be able to manage invoice elements on the user’s behalf. The user will still have access to his invoices while the Deputy is active.

How to set up a deputy

You can set up a deputy for another user, but to do that, you will need the following ibistic setting checked off in your user profile:

You can create a Deputy for the functions that you want by going to ”Adminstration”,  clicking ”Office and Users” and then picking the tab, "Deputy". Next select the user that needs a deputy in the office hierarchy on the left.  Then select the function that you want taken over by the Deputy:

Then click on the button “Add person” which enables you to search for and select the user you want to be the Deputy. When he/she is found, click “Add”:

It is important to remember to deactivate the Deputy when he is no longer needed.


How to deactivate a deputy.

You can deactivate a user as a deputy by checking off the box next to the user and clicking “Remove selected”:


How to set up a deputy for yourself.

When needing to set up a deputy for yourself, you don’t need to have the ”Administration of offices and users”-setting checked off in your user profile. Instead of clicking “Administration” at the main menu level, you just click on “My settings” and then click the tab: “Deputy”


From this point on here on you simply follow the same procedure as described earlier in this article in ”How to set up a deputy.


Overview of active deputies

A complete overview of users, who have become deputies is found in the report: “Active deputies”.

In order to view that report you go to “Reports” and choose the report: “Active deputies”.

The report clearly shows which users are functioning as deputies, as well as the functions that these deputies have taken over.


Overview of changes made to deputies.

Should you need an overview of which changes have been made to deputies, you can get that by choosing the report, “Log of deputies”.  

Go to “Reports” and choose the report: “Log of deputies” to view the report.

 Before you can view the report, you will have to specify for which time period you want to generate the report and also select the report format. (Please note that Start Date includes the selected date, and End Date excludes the selected date). When you have done that click “View”.


The ”Log of deputies”-report contains much of the same information as the Active Deputies”-report.
