Please note: Unfortunately, not all setups will be able to utilize this function. If you want to know if we can setup this up for you, please contact
You can import coding lines from Excel to Ibistic. For invoices that need to be split into several lines with fixed coding dimensions, but where the values are different from invoice to invoice, it may be a good idea to code in a spreadsheet.
The following is a description of how a spreadsheet needs to be formatted, and how to import it to Ibistic.
To be able to import coding lines from a spreadsheet to Ibistic, you first need to define the following:
- From which columns in the spreadsheet should Ibistic import which values.
- From which row in the spreadsheet should Ibistic start reading the information.
This is defined using a template.
How to make a template for importing coding lines
Coding templates in Ibistic are personal – so that only the creator of the template is able to see and use it.
Here we will show you how to create a template for importing the spreadsheet shown in Image 1 to ibistic.
TIP: Make sure to write any additional information in the top row, such as the name of the coding dimension to which the column should be linked. It may also be useful to calculate the totals of the amounts in the rows and check them against the amount in the coding line that’s being split.
Image 1: Spreadsheet for importing coding lines. In this example the first two rows are not meant to be read, and the template should therefore be made to start reading from row 3.
- Click on the icon for “Advanced split"
on an invoice row:
- Click "Import coding lines " on the toolbar.
- Click "Create/edit selected template":
- Write the name of the new template:
- Select from which row Ibistic should start importing the information. Everything above that row will be ignored.
- Click “Add” directly under the text: " Link between the columns in the Excel workbook and the fields in Ibistic Invoice System".
- Define the column for the dimension.
- Select the dimension.
- Click "Add".
- Repeat points 7 to 9 for all the columns that should be imported by Ibistic. The columns "Document text" and "Gross Amount" are mandatory and must be defined.
- Click “Save” on the toolbar to save the template.
When you click “Save”, the template is created and you return to the “Advanced split"-window. Click "Cancel" to return to the coding lines.
How to import the coding lines
When you have created the template, you can start importing coding lines from a spreadsheet to Ibistic.
- Click the icon for "Advanced split"
on the invoice line to which you want to transfer coding lines.
- Click "Import coding lines" on the toolbar.
- Click on “Browse" and select the spreadsheet you want read by Ibistic.
- Select the template that you want to use for the spreadsheet.
- Click “Import”.
- Click "Save” to save the changes:
When you click “Import”, the coding lines will be imported, but they will not be saved before you click,” Save”. When the coding lines are imported they are validated. If the coding is valid according to your accounting chart, a green OK-symbol will appear to the left of the line. However, if the coding is invalid, a yellow warning
symbol will appear.
You will be able to see a description of the problem if you hover the cursor over a yellow warning symbol.
If the total of the imported coding lines don’t add up the whole invoice amount, a balance coding line containing the difference will be added at the bottom.
TIP: You can enlarge the area showing the coding lines by pulling up the frame (See A in the image above).
How to edit the template for importing coding lines
- Click "Advanced split"
on an invoice line.
- Click on "Import coding lines".
- Select the template you want to edit.
- Click "Create/edit selected templates".
- Edit template.
- Click on "Save" to save the changes.
When you click “Save” the changes will be saved, and you will return to the ”advanced split” window. Click "Cancel" to return to the coding lines.
How to delete a template for transferring coding lines
- Click "Advanced split
on an invoice line.
- Click on "Import coding lines".
- Select the template you want to delete.
- Click on "Create/edit selected template".
- Click on “Delete this template".
- Confirm by clicking “Delete”.
When you confirm the deletion by clicking "Delete", the template will be deleted, and you will return to the “Advanced split" window. Click "Cancel" to return to the coding lines