Invoice archive

In the invoice archive you may see all documents that have ever been created in Ibistic, even those that are on an active workflow. To search using the invoice archive, click "invoice archive" from the main menu.

At the top of the screen you will see four buttons, which will let you search using different criterias. You may turn on and off these buttons by clicking on them, and in that way control which fields you will see and search by. In the above image, all the fields are visible.
  1. Invoice header: Here you may search all the fields that exist in the invoice head
  2. Document status: Here you may search for documents that had a certain status within some date range
  3. Coding: Here you may search for documents that are coded in a certain way
  4. Processing: Here you may search for documents that have been processed by certain users, in certain ways, within some date range
It is possible to combine your search across the different categories. You may for example search for invoices that have been issued by a certain supplier, and which have been coded on a certain project. Enter your search criterias, and click "search".

You may blank your search results and all the search fields by clicking the button "reset".

There are two types of archive access that may be given to users: access to all invoices, or access to their own invoices. By "own" invoices, it is meant that the user will only be able to search for the documents that they themselves have either accepted, approved, or documents that have been sent to them for orientation. In addition, it is possible to give access specially for a user to see the archive of another user. When searching in the invoice archive, you may only see invoices according to your access level.

Note: When you view invoices in the invoice view from the invoice archive, it is not possible to change any values in the invoices (even if the invoice has not yet been sent to the accounting system). The invoice archive is strictly "read-only". If you want to change any values in the invoices, you need to enter the invoice in the role of an acceptor, approver, or as an accountant (from the main menu).
