Set up identities

Identities are used to give one user access to several accounting units. The user will then log in with one username and password, and arrive at a portal where they may choose which site they want to enter. Identities is an enterprise function, and is set up specifically for some of our customers. Contact Ibistic if you want this function.

When we refer to user names, we mean the e-mail address that is used to log in to Ibistic. What we need to do, is create several users with different user names, and then "connect" these users to a single user name. This user name is often the e-mail address of the real person that is going to use the system. This way, it will be easier for them to remember.

To set up a user with identities, you need to be a super user in Ibistic, with access to edit "offices and users". Do the following to set up identities:

1. Create a temporary user in each site that you want the person to have access to - in addition to the real user that has been set up in one of the sites. The real user is often identified with the real e-mail address of the person, while the temporary user can have the username "". First and last names should be identical to the real user. Give the temporary user the roles and functions that you wish. In the next step, you will link the identity (username) to these temporary users.

2. Go to "offices and users" in the site where the user has his real identity (real e-mail address as username). Choose the user, and then the tab "identities". Click "add", and choose the temporary user that you want to connect with the real user. The username of the temporary user will now change, so that it will be identical to the username of the "main" user. You may add as many users that you wish in this step. The users that are linked with the identity (username) of this "main" user will appear in the list below.

All roles, and functions, as well as placement in the hierarchy, will be preserved on each user, just the way you set up the temporary users in each site - but you are free to change this at any time, as for any other user.
