Create and edit Cost types.



When you create an expense in an expense report in Ibistic, that expense is based on a Cost type. Ibistic has already created a long list of standard cost types from which you can select, but you are also able to create new Cost types to use that perhaps fit the particular needs of your company better.

In this manual, we’ll describe how you create a new Cost type for your expense reports and also how to edit and delete existing Cost types.

To be able to create, edit and delete Cost types, you will need to have the user setting “Expense setup Administration” enabled:


If you do you’re able to create, edit and delete new Cost types in in “Settlement & Cost Types”:



You then access the tab: ”Costs” and click on “Create”:




You will then have to consider which of the following choices should be part of the Cost type:



1. Name of Cost type.

2. A short description of what the Cost type should be used for.

3. Here you determine what type of cost type you want to create, by selecting the behaviour of the Cost type:
- Normal
- Personal
- Advance (Non-reimbursable payment types only)
- Return advance (Non-reimbursable payment types only
- Reverse transactions

4. Should the Cost type be reported to the tax authorities?

5. Is more than one participant required when this Cost type is selected? – and if so, how many more?

6. Should a purpose be required for this Cost type? (All Danish companies will have to check this box for travel expenses.)

7. Is an event or circumstance required for this Cost type?

8. In case of accommodation is the type of accommodation and address required?

9. Which receipt requirements exist for this Cost type:

- Available
- Reference required.
- Reference required and attached receipt.
- Attached receipt.

10. Which requirements should there be for addresses for this Cost type?

- None
- Only address
- To and from address


When you’ve finished click on “Save”.


PLEASE NOTE: The text at the top of the page that reads:

The changes done on this site will have effect tomorrow morning at the latest. For some users it will have effect immediately. This depends on the user’s profile, and if any users with this profile have logged in today or not. This is due to Ibistic’s caching of the user settings. The cache is deleted automatically every night, and when we update the solution. We normally update the solution every fortnight. This means that if we update the solution today, the changes can have effect today already. We are working on a better solution, so that the changes will have effect immediately.

This means that any newly created Cost types will most likely only be available for use in Ibistic the day after creation – which is also true for any changes made to existing Cost types.


How to edit a Cost type

You edit an existing

You edit an existing Cost type by again accessing the “Settlement & Cost Types”-menu, clicking on the “Costs” tab and then on the “Editing”-icon - illustrated with a pencil icon- on the Form Type that you want to edit:



However, you will only be able to edit ”name”, ”Description”, “Address” and “Travel order type” and nothing else. The reason for this limitation has to do with preserving the history of the Cost type.

When you’ve completed editing the Cost Type, remember to click on “Save” – illustrated with a disc Icon:


When the changes are saved, remember that these changes will most likely only be available for use in Ibistic the following day.


How to delete a Cost type

You delete a Cost type by again accessing the “Settlement & Cost Types”-menu, clicking on the “Costs” tab, marking the Cost type you wish to delete and then clicking on “Delete”:


Then this Cost type will disappear form the list.

PLEASE NOTE: If you try to delete a Cost type which a user has already used to create an expense you will not be able to delete this Cost type, but it will instead be archived. This means that the Cost type will be sent to the bottom of the Cost type list with its name in Italic - instead of disappearing from the list.

The reason why you’re not able to delete such a Cost type is that the accounting history of Cost types used to create expenses need to be preserved.

